Sunday, 31 May 2015



To be completely honest, I don't listen to music that much. I feel a bit like the odd one out when I say that I don't have my headphones in when I'm walking somewhere, I prefer to just be with my thoughts. But, recently I've felt the need to re-visit my 'old style', and what used to 'feel like me'.

So, this month I've been re-finding some of my old favourite tracks, like Kill the Lights, by The Birthday Massacre - which is one of my favourite songs, from one of my favourite bands ever (seeing them live in Camden when I was a teenager was fantastic) - Hurt by Johnny Cash, and Stargazer by Blood Stain Child (be patient with this track, it's not as intense as it sounds and actually has beautiful vocals! Please wait for them to start before skipping!). A song that got me through a hard time in my younger years, and means a lot to me, is The Shield and The Sword, by Clare Maguire, and though this is (surprisingly) not on spotify, an interesting remix version is. I've also been listening to some of her newer tracks, but my favourites are still from her older albums, like This Is Not The End, which is a breathtaking reinvention of The Parting Glass.

Along with these old faves I've included some of the more recent hits that I've heard on music channels and instantly loved, like Take Me To Church by Hozier and the incredibly catchy I Really Like You by Carly Rae Jepsen. I've also added a few of the Haim tracks I've been liking a lot recently (Go Slow, and The Wire), and one of the songs that my partner has had on repeat while working out that has stuck with me (Hero of War, Rise Against). An old friend recently posted a link to Twisted Measure's acapella version of Sia's Chandelier, which is beautiful, and I've been listening to it non-stop since.

Basically this playlist is an odd mix, but for me it works, and hopefully you might find something you enjoy too! xx Sarah

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Saturday, 30 May 2015


Every month since the beginning of the year I’ve made a board on pinterest of all of the things that I’ve found, and loved, that month. Now I’d like to start sharing my favourite pins from these boards with you, every month. It seems that during May I was inspired by wildflowers, minimal tattoos, negative space and weaponry. For links to all above images, check the link to May’s board below.

May’s board can be found at:
All my other boards can be found here:

Hopefully you can find some inspiration here too! xx Sarah

Credits // All images found on pintrest, links/credits on May's board.


Hi all! My name is Sarah, and this is my alternative lifestyle blog.

The aim of this blog is to help me to discover my own personal style, as I’ve been feeling a bit lost recently. I’ll discuss what inspires me, and hopefully eventually post outfits of my own. I will also be documenting my cruelty free journey, posting about beauty, hair and makeup - and eventually provide resources and inspiration for others to join me. Along with these main topics I’ll also be posting anything else that I’m passionate about, or think others will find as interesting as I do.

To start things off, here are some of the things I love, and want to write about.
  1. Alternative fashion. While in reality I really only wear grey (and am stuck in a fashion rut), I actually have a diverse taste in fashion, including: minimal, surfer, post-apocalyptic, rocker, cyberpunk, dieselpunk, and post-apocalyptic.
  2. Cruelty free make up and beauty. I’m into natural makeup and unnatural hair, and have been dying my own hair since I was a teenager.
  3. Interior design. I love Scandinavian, minimal and industrial style décor, and I hope to apply these styles to my own home, in my own way.
  4. Fantasy and retrofuturism, in TV, films, games and books; and my incredibly eclectic music taste which ranges from soft rock and industrial, to Celtic and country.
  5. Body modifications, including tattoos and piercings.
  6. And bonus content including: wellness, self-love and a splash of magic.

Thank you for joining me! xx Sarah

© Light in the Wasteland. All rights reserved.