Saturday, 24 October 2015


Yes, I was once again lured in by Loot Crate! Sepetmber's theme was Summon, and featured items from Pokemon, Supernatural, Blizzard, and Kid Robot. Seeing as I am a big Pokemon fan, and both me and my boyfriend love Supernatural, I thought this was a good theme to go for - and I wasn't disappointed! 

Ok, so upon opening you can immediately see what the Pokemon item is... a Pikachu Laplander hat. Like .... just .... yes. This looks so cute on, the ears kind of wiggle, and the little pom-poms are pokeball shaped. It's a one size fits all hat but it fits both me and my boyfriend well, which is nice. Incredibly adorable and garish at the same time, but I do love my hats so I will probably wear it out in winter (I've totally seen people walking through town in these already!). 

The item that my boyfriend was most excited over was the 1:43 scale replica of the Supernatural 1967 Chevy Impala. We both love the show, and the car, so this is a nice collectible to receive. Apparently it features the original plates (as seen in the flashback episode 'In The Beginning'), while all other versions feature it's later Ohio plates. Nice little exclusive touch, granted not one that we actually noticed, shame on us! Now it is sitting nicely on display in our gaming room (aka the lounge).

We also got a Homer Simpson Golden Buddha by Kidrobot. No idea how this fits with the theme of 'Summon', but this is a pretty sweet little figure! It came in what looked like a take-away/fortune cookie box, and the little dude is a nice bronzey-gold colour. The fact that he is a Buddha, and not just a Homer figure, makes him much more easy to display, so I'm happy about that! He actually looks pretty cute!

Lastly, we got two Hearthstone items. Now, I've never played Hearthstone, and when we got told there would be Blizzard items, I immediately thought of WoW instead. We got a Hearthstone Foam Stress ball, which actually looks petty cool, and a Hearthstone Collectible Coin and Card Pack code. I may start playing just to give it a go. I quite like card games, though I'm awful at them, but this gives me an excuse to try!

As always in each box, we also received a booklet, which talks about everything in this months box, and a badge for the box theme. This little Summon Badge is adorable, and has little pikachus in it's design. How cute! We also got a leaflet for the 'Master Summoner' mobile game, but I'm not too sure what that's about, but if I look into it and find out it's cool I'll let you guys know!

So to recap, this box featured collectibles from Supernatural, Pokemon, Hearthstone, and The Simpsons. I'm pretty pleased with this box, as I like everything (although the Impala is no longer mine, and has been claimed by my bf). 

Did you get this box? What did you think of the items? Let me know below!

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1 comment

  1. Very nice unboxing you got there! Can you do one on Fandora's Box?? Thanks :D


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