I've always wanted to get into all things magical, but have never really known where to begin. Then I saw Gala Darling's post on new moon magic, for July's new moon (on the 15th/16th depending on where you are in the world) and thought it was time to finally try something! This kind of magical practice is incredibly accessible, and anyone can try it, regardless of skill or knowledge. I'd like to make this a series, and document my practices and hopefully you guys can share your experiences with me too!
This New Moon is in Cancer, sign of water, and according to various sources online seems to be the time for compassion towards yourself and others (and also a time of particular emotional intensity). It is the perfect time to re-commit to self care, plant the seeds of our deepest desires, and make a commitment to your health and vitality. To do this, Gala Darling suggested doing a water based ritual - in the bath, a lake or even the ocean - calling back your power and committing to change (all in the name of radical self love!).
For me, this was the perfect time to ease into working by the moon. Self love is something I really have to work on, as often-times I let it slip and fall back into bad habits. I've also really struggled with what previously seemed like two parts of my self - the science side of me and the magical side to me - and am finally combining them into just me. Somehow I don't think spending one evening by myself, just for me, in celebration of the new moon will make me any less of a scientist. After all, magic is just science we don't understand yet.
Now, onto what I did for July's new moon!

In the evening I had a beautiful candlelit bath, using Lush's Space Girl bath bomb, which looks beautiful and glittery and smells like blackcurrants (this is sadly being discontinued, so if you're after one check your local shop pronto!). I can't have many baths due to health reasons, but I will allow myself one occasionally. Seeing as I haven't had one in months, I thought now would be the perfect time to indulge. For some extra self lovin', I had a little pamper session, using The Body Shop Shea Sugar Scrub and Lush Ro's Argan Body Conditioner, which left me smelling fantastic and feeling incredibly relaxed.
I spent my time in the water thinking about what I wanted to achieve in the next few years, and how I was going to get there. I made a list, something like a very loose five year plan, of where I wanted to be professionally, what I wanted my relationships to be, and who I wanted to be personally. I've always hated these things, as I've never known what I wanted to do that far in advance, but now that I'm getting a bit older I thought it was about time to start thinking seriously about what I want out of life. This was my way of figuring out what I actually desired, and taking the first steps of my journey towards these goals.
Many of the things on my list were to do with what it happening in my life right now and the changes that are already occurring. My life is going through a lot of changes right now - in my education, work, and home - and as such my health has kind of taken a backseat. As this new moon in particular is a time to make commitments that benefit your health, I have decided to make a commitment of my own. I love yoga, but I never seem to get around to actually doing it. So, I'm going to be doing short yoga workout challenges (7 or 10 days, I lose my drive if its any longer and have never finished a month long workout challenge, ever), starting with Bad Yogi's 10 day Ab Challenge. and followed by the #7DayYogaChallenge by Sarah Beth Yoga. Erin Motz and Sarah Beth are my favourite youtube yogis, and I'm looking forward to committing to this practice, and hopefully my body and mind will thank me for it! I'm also making a commitment to doing more things like this, if only once a month on the new moon.

After having this me time to myself I felt really relaxed, and taking some time to envisage where I wanted to be was really useful. It made me feel a little less anxious about the future (something that has been stressing me out recently) and I highly recommend it if, like me, anxious thoughts can keep you up at night. I know this wasn't the most 'magical' of rituals, but for me it was the perfect thing to celebrate this new moon and it was much needed.
Have you ever done any moon magic? What did you do this month? Is there anything you think a newbie like me should try next? Let me know, guys!
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